Week 1

Intro to WSD

Internet - a world-wide network of computer network

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) - communication protocols used to interconnect network devices on the internet.

  • every node has a unique numeric address (32bit on IPv4, 128bit on IPv6)

FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) - complete domain name for an internet node (ie. cbc.ca)

DNS (Domain Name System) - phonebook of the internet; servers that connect web browsers with websites by converting FQDN --> IP addresses

Web Browser (Clients) request && Web Servers (Server) respond.

  • Most client requests use HTTP/HTTPS

HTTP/HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol) - set of rules for transferring files over the web. REQ/RES protocol between clients/servers.

  • When a user opens a browser, they're indirectly using HTTP

Web Server - background OS process which monitors a communications port on the host, accepting HTTP/HTTPS messages when they appear.

  • two main directories: Document root (servable docs) & Server root (server system software)

URL Paths Syntax

  • protocol + domain + port +document

    • ex. https:// + espn.ca + :443 + /index.html

    • (port 443 default for https; port 80 default for http)

MIME Types (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) - Used to specify to the browser the form of a file returned by the server (attached by the server to the beginning of the document).

  • type/subtype - ie. text/plain, text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, ...

  • Server gets the type from the requested file name’s suffix based on the configuration file (.html implies text/html)

Web programming can be either:

  • Client-side (front-end) : runs on client machine (browser) dealing w/ UI


    • frameworks: React, Angular, Bootstrap

  • Server-side (back-end) : runs on server dealing w/ generation of web page content

    • ie. Perl, PHP, ASP, Java Servlets, JSP, TCL, Python, Ruby

    • frameworks: Flask, .NET, Laravel

Client-Side Frontend


HyperText Markup Language.

Skeleton of websites (defines structure)

Written in form of


Cascading Style Sheets.

Styling of websites (making it look good).

Stylesheets = list of css-rules consisting of selector(s) and their styles


Scalable Vector Graphics.

XML-based vector image format for 2D graphics.

SVG images can be scaled in size without loss of quality.

SVG files can be created and edited with text editors or VG editors


Dynamic, weakly-typed, prototype-based scripting language

Server-Side Backend


Dynamic, weakly-typed, high-level general-purpose language with powerful regex & string parsing abilities.


Server-side Scripting language embedded in HTML

Used to manage dynamic content, DBs, session tracking, and more.


Active Server Pages (aka Classic ASP) != ASP.NET

Most ASP pages are written in VBScript


Jakarta Server Pages

Similar to PHP & ASP but use Java

High-level abstraction of Java servlets

JSPs are translated into servlets at runtime, therefore JSP is a Servlet


Interpreted, object-oriented scripting language

Python web.dev. is usually done w/ a Python-based framework (ie. Django, Flask), but it can be done stand-alone with CGI protocol.


Tool Command Language

High-level, quicker to program but slower to execute scripting language generally used in conjunction with the Tk GUI library for building quick & easy X windows GUIs on Unix platforms


dynamic, reflective, general purpose object-oriented language

Combines syntax inspired by Perl w/ Smalltalk-like features.

Supports many programming paradigms (functional, OOP, imperative, reflection).

Dynamic type system & automatic memory management, making it similar to Python/Perl.

Ruby web.dev. is usually done w/ the Ruby-on-Rails framework, but it can be done stand-alone with CGI protocol.

HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol

Upon receiveing a REQUEST string, the server can send back:

  • RESPONSE string (ie. "200 OK")

  • [personalized message]

  • [body] (requested file(s))

  • [error message]

  • or some other info

HTTP Codes:

  • 1xx : Informational

  • 2xx : Success

  • 3xx : Redirection

  • 4xx : Client Error

  • 5xx : Server Error

HTTPS - HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

Allows transferring the data in an encrypted form for security.

Transport Layer Security (Secure Sockets Layer aka SSL)

  • encryption protocol used by HTTPS.

  • uses asymmetric public key infrastructure and it uses 2 different keys:

    • Private Key : available on web server, managed by website owner.

    • Public Key : available to everyone, converts data into encrypted form

HTTPS is slower than HTTP because of the additional SSL layer.

Security issues for Client-Server architecture:

  • Privacy : comm. must not be intercepted

  • Integrity : content must not be modified

  • Auth : identity must be confirmed

  • Non-repudiation : comm. must be legallly proved as being taken place


  • Basic tool to support privacy and integrity

  • Everyone uses your public key to encrypt messages sent to you. You decrypt them with your matching private key.

  • It works because it's impossible to compute the private key from a given public key.

RSA Encryption Algorithm

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman : public-key cryptosystem widely used for SSL.

ie. A client (browser) sends its public key to the server and REQ some data. The server encrypts the data using the client’s public key and sends the encrypted data. The client receives the data and decrypts it using the their private key. Since it's asymmetric, nobody else except the client browser can decrypt the data.

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