Week 2


HTML documents consist of <tags> which have:

  • attributes - provide additional info about HTML elements (ie. class)

<head> - contains website metadata

<title> - tab title

<body> - site body content

Character Sets (charset)

  • code that pairs each character from a given repertoire with a bit pattern. (ISO-8859-1, Windows-1252, UTF-8)

<meta charset="utf-8" />


  • <!-- This is a comment -->


  • represented by 6-digit hex value. (#RRGGBB)

    • #04f829: RR=04, GG=f8, BB=29

  • Ranges from 00 (none) --> ff (max)

Text Formatting

  • <strong> - bold

  • <em> - italics

  • <code> - monospace font (code effect)

Semantic Tags

  • clearly self-describe (ie. article, header, footer, ...)

  • almost all behave exactly like a div


  • ul + li for bullet points

  • ol + li for numbered bullets


  • 5 main supported types of images for the web: GIF, PNG, JPG, WEPB, SVG

  • <img> - attributes:

    • src="cnTower.jpg"

    • alt="CN Tower"

    • (opt.) height="90%" (in px/%)

    • (opt.) width="12px" (in px/%)


  • small image displayed in tab title

  • any image format can be used as a favicon, or a small .ico image can be created online at favicon.cc

  • <link rel-"icon" type="image/x-icon" href="path">

  • Relative:

    • <a href="page.html">Click here</a>

    • <a href="../pages/page.html">Click here</a>

  • Absolute:

    • <a href="https://www.espn.ca/">Click Here</a>

  • Internal:

    • <a href="#top">Go to top</a>

    • jumps to anchor tag: <a name-"top">

Meta Tag

  • contains metadata about page such as:

    • name : name for metadata

    • content : value assc. w/ the name/http-equiv

    • http-equiv : http header for value of content attribute

    • charset : character set encoding

<!-- set page description ->
<meta name="description" content="Free Web tutorials on HTML, CSS, XML, and XHTML" />

<!-- set viewport to make page look good on all devices ->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

<!-- refresh page every 5s ->
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" />


  • used to pass user data to a specified URL

  • action : required attr for sending form data to server-side program.

  • method/name : commonly used attr in forms

    • method="get" : sends form contents to URL

    • method="post" : sends form contents in the req body.

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